Living a Sustainable Lifestyle for Our Children's Children артикул 2616d.
Living a Sustainable Lifestyle for Our Children's Children артикул 2616d.

Global population growth and over consumption are putting our children at risk But many are only dimly aware of the consequences of current human lifestyles on the Earth Living a Sustainable Lifestyle: for Our Children's Children shows how sustainable development is a way of changing lifestyle habits so there will be less impact on nature It cuts ожлпу across many concerns facing society today, suggesting how we can move beyond present risks The book describes sustainability, clearly demonstrating how humans can find the means to coexist in a manner that maintains biodiversity, wildlands, and decent environments, while also achieving economic prosperity and equality for the present and future Going beyond science, technology, and politics, this book discusses how we live and why we live the way we do, addressing the basics of life: how to know what is in our water, air, food, and land It also challenges the reader to seriously think about how humans and nature interact The good news is, a shift to sustainable development is occurring The book describes ordinary people, looking at how they live, how that in turn affects nature, and how fundamental nature is to our existence We build on this growing awareness, bringing understanding to the people who can make the most difference: the average global citizen “Living a Sustainable Lifestyle” poses tough questions, not for another debate, but to initiate reader awareness, understanding, and motion We live in a time of enormouschange What we now do differently to alter the surging tide of material inequity and declining resources will not only affect our lives and our children’s lives, but may also establish the existence or nonexistence of a future for our children’s children This book will make a difference by insuring a future for these unknowing participants in life by spreading the message of sustainabililty in a way that is not only understandable but also very doable.  Данная работаISBN 0595200133.